Learning Central
Storm Water Permitting; A Guide for Builders and Developers
See green link below
This guide is your key to understanding and complying with the latest regulations for any construction site, anywhere in the country.
-How builders and developers should handle an inspector’s visit
-EPA enforcement documents to self-report or take advantage of EPA’s expidited settlement offer policy, both of which may reduce fines and the time involved in enforcement action
-Detailed information on how to prepare the necessary forms, plans and reports required by the permit, including sample
-State-specific permits, forms and guidance on CD-ROM
Mortgage Basics
A guide to all types of mortgages and loans for home builders
Remodeling vs. Moving
If you want to change your home, your other option besides remodeling is to find a new one. But more and more American families are deciding to stay put and improve their existing home.
Sales + Marketing Ideas (SMI) Magazine
Remain competitive with a subscription to the award-winning Sales + Marketing Ideas magazine. Each issue is packed with valuable ideas and insights on sales and marketing trends, market research, advertising, marketing plans, model merchandising, sales management, and more! Articles are written by the top experts in new home sales and marketing.
Remodelers Promote Aging-In-Place Features In Existing Homes
Infastructure finance
Not all states are equal when it comes to encouraging the use of innovative infrastructure finance alternatives. The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has studied all 50 states and the District of Columbia to see which ones have specifically authorized 12 of the most commonly used infrastructure finance tools. Does your state encourage innovation? Look through this report to find out.
2008 KBIA Policy Positions